Try EdiSoft

EdiSoft pricing consists of a one-off Installation Fee of $750 + GST and an ongoing Monthly Fee of $65 + GST for the Premium Edition. Should you only require Customs ICS (EDN's) or PRA's then you should use the Standard Edition. For the Standard Edition, the one-off Installation Fee is $300 + GST with an ongoing Monthly Fee of $25 + GST.

The monthly fee covers a professional help desk, upgrades and the software licence. There are no hidden costs or additional charges for multi-user environments.

EdiSoft provides you with a superior product and exceptional service, just ask our many happy customers.

Come on, at least give us a’ve nothing to lose and everything to gain. We hope to hear from you soon.

For an obligation free evaluation copy of EdiSoft just fill in the below details, for administration purposes you will be emailed an invoice. However should you change your mind please let our accounts team know and remove EdiSoft from your system.

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    Standard Edition: EDNs & PRAs Premium Edition: EDNs, CRNs, RFPs, PRAs, eFIs & Documentaion
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